Paired Technique Source: Codex Wallerstein
/As promised, we have the official source for the Longpoint 2015 Paired Technique competition! Cory Winslow has selected the longsword section of Codex Wallerstein for this year. A translation of the source, by Christian Trosclair, can be found here. Expand the Longsword section to find the appropriate material.
As Wiktenauer describes:
"Codex Wallerstein (or Codex I.6.4º.2) is a German fencing manual compiled by Paulus Hector Mair in 1556. The original currently rests in the holdings of the Universitätsbibliothek Augsburg in Augsburg, Germany. It consists of at least three distinct treatises, based on the art style and the handwriting; the first two sections likely date to the 1470s, while the third is much older, from perhaps around 1400. The title "Vom Baumans Fechtbuch" appears at the beginning of the first treatise, perhaps indicating that Michael von Baumann owned the treatise, along with the date 1549. The first two sections seem to have been used by Albrecht Dürer as a reference for his own fencing manual.
Codex Wallerstein is interesting in that its teachings do not seem to fall into the tradition of the grand master Johannes Liechtenauer. Part A, which treats longsword, messer, and dagger, and Part B, which treats grappling, are the first entries in a series of manuscripts known as the Nuremberg group, which originate from that area and seem to document the same martial tradition. Part C, on the other hand, is the first entry in a complex of treatises known as pseudo-Gladiatoria due to the fact that Hils originally ascribed it to the Gladiatoria group (another tradition not dependent on Liechtenauer)."
With Paired Technique taking a more prominent position in the Longpoint Triathlon for 2015, we expect the competition to be deeper. Wallerstein's longsword material, in contrast, is much shallower than 2014's Danzig.
Registration for Longpoint 2015 opens tomorrow. The store is getting last minute updates, all of the back end transaction handling is getting a final once over, and we are getting ready to hit the Go Live button. This time of the year bowls over us quicker and quicker every time we do it, but that only signifies increased expectations of ourselves.
~Longpoint 2015 Crew