The Longpoint 2013 Steel and Synthetic Longsword tournament tournaments will be based on the successful experimental ruleset that we used for Longpoint 2012. For those of you who did not see the rules from 2012, you can find them here:
This document will be updated for 2013 as the months go by, and we plan to have it finalized two months before the event. We have a few ideas we want to play around with for these next tournaments:
1) Points granted on an afterblow call cannot win a match. For instance, if a fighter has 8 points out of 11 to win, and they are to receive 3 points for a strike that was limited by an afterblow, the score will only increase to 10. The winning point for any match must be a clean exchange.
2) Due to the relative speed of the matches under these rules, run multiple rounds during the eliminations and finals. Best two out of three rounds to 11 points, for example.
What are your thoughts? If you fought last June under these rules, what did you think of the experience? Let us know by posting on the matching thread at